Judgy Judgerson

That title refers to me – and I’m guessing it can refer to all of my readers, also. (Yep, I’m already judging you because that’s what I do!) If we’re all being completely honest here, VERY few people, if anyone in this world, lives judgment free. Some of us just become judgier than others – anyone else out there enjoy a healthy dose of “people watching”? I used to have an idea for a book where I would create stories about people based on what I observed (because I was always doing that in my head anyway) and then interview the same people to find out their true stories to see how accurate my observations were. I decided against this after realizing that some of my thoughts about people were not very flattering and could really hurt or upset the observee. People watching is just one way I am judgmental.

What do I judge in a normal day, you may ask? When I really start observing my thoughts, it’s a pretty constant loop. I’m an equal opportunity judger. Nothing is off limits – even (and especially) myself! I judge my body because of what it lacks. I judge the clutter and mess in my house. I judge the drivers around me for driving too fast or too slow. I judge people on the streets begging for money. I tend to make snap judgments upon meeting people. If I’m lacking fodder for my judgment, all I have to do is go online and read the news or Facebook and watch out!!! My judgmental brain has a heyday! Everything can be judged as bad or good, wrong or right, happy or sad, etc. So what, right? Like I said, this is something we all do. If I’m not sharing my thoughts, no harm, no foul. Plus, some judgments keep us safe. If I’m in a dark alley and encounter a strange man, judging that he could hurt me and leaving the alley could keep me from harm. However most situations are not life or death so our judgments are usually serving no other purpose than to feed our ego the rush of being “right” over or “better” than another human. Therefore causing greater divide in the world and in ourselves.

As I think about the world and how divided everything seems to be, the one theme that keeps recurring is judgment. Think about it, we are always judging the other side in order to make ourselves feel right. Because when we feel right, it makes us feel smart and justified. Being “right” gives us a powerful sense of superiority over those who are “wrong”. If we really stop ourselves mid-judgment and ask: Where do these pre-conceived notions and feelings come from? How am I qualified to judge things that I have no experience of? What arises? Justification, anger, self-righteousness? When we are constantly judging, it causes our body and mind to reside in perpetual conflict. Peace can only be accomplished through the removal of judgment. BUT HOW?

Right after I had my epiphany and conversation with God, I wrote a ton of notes because I had so many good thoughts and feelings running through my body and my mind that I wanted to capture. The two main ideas/feelings that kept recurring were unconditional love and NO JUDGMENT. This is one of the hardest things for me to share because it goes against everything I, and many others, were taught growing up. However, I just intuited this during my epiphany – we create heaven and hell here on Earth. We will not be judged by some great Spirit in the sky one day. I felt true unconditional love without judgment when I let that light and source that is ALWAYS in ALL of us flow freely through me. Most of us just (unconsciously) block out that light and live in darkness, or fear. I realized/remembered then that EVERYONE and EVERYTHING on this Earth comes from one loving source energy that we will all return to when we pass. I felt buoyant and loving towards everything in those months following my epiphany! I had no judgment for anybody or anything (Even spiders were safe – which I normally judge as evil and deadly:). I could tell when I started to feel what I referred to as “base” emotions (anything other than love) at the time because my shoulders would start to tighten up. After several months of this euphoric feeling, it slowly started to fade as I let life’s woes and being in this 3D world bring me out of that state.

Now, I’m trying my hardest to live in a judgment free state. It’s exhausting trying to catch all of my thoughts in a day. However, when I remember and can truly feel the unconditional love of the one source that we all come from, it becomes easier. If I am not judged, what qualifies me to judge others? The way out of judgment is unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. It truly is as simple as that!! (It is simple, but not always easy) Remembering to do it when we’re caught up in things is the hardest part. We humans have overcomplicated things and let our egos drive the bus. I always thought the way to Heaven was to believe Christ died for my sins. In reality, I need to live like Christ did – without judgment through unconditional love and forgiveness for everything and everyone around him. Then, I will reside in my own Nirvana. So yes, the WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets are right. He allowed source to flow through him showering EVERYONE with grace and compassion, WITHOUT JUDGMENT!!! And if he was wronged – tortured and hung on the cross – he forgave without conditions also. That is a lofty, but attainable goal for all of us. I have never felt more peace than I did during that time of complete surrender – nothing could faze me!! I am striving to be a better sister to my fellow man and live in unconditional love and forgiveness. I recognize that I am not perfect, but I am unfolding into this life just the way I am supposed to by allowing God/Source to guide me.

“He who would not forgive must judge, for he must justify his failure to forgive.” ~A Course in Miracles






One response to “Judgy Judgerson”

  1. Erica Weddle Avatar
    Erica Weddle

    Love this