Rediscovering Power: A Journey into Woo-Woo and Beyond

My exploration of the metaphysical and spiritual has often led me to embrace the ‘woo-woo’—beliefs that feel true without requiring a logical explanation, i.e., ghosts, miracles, spontaneous healings, God/Universe/Source, etc. After having the experience of “talking” to God, nothing is off the table! When I looked up the term “woo-woo,” the definition surprised me: unconventional beliefs with little or no scientific basis, especially those related to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine. Unconventional beliefs? Absolutely. Little or no scientific proof? Not so fast.

I was introduced to this work through Dr. Joe Dispenza, who approaches energy work through a scientific lens. . He goes into Quantum mechanics and “delves into how particles exist in a state of potentiality until observed, emphasizing the idea that our consciousness plays a pivotal role in shaping the manifested reality.” In other words, we are constantly creating our own reality every second with our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. Even declassified CIA documents support this idea.

Having a conversation with God was the catalyst for my curiosity about the unexplained. Who or what was the voice in my head that ushered in such overwhelming love, connection, and peace? That encounter launched me onto a thrilling path of exploration into what might be possible. If we truly create our own reality—and I now believe we do—it’s time to take responsibility and consciously create the lives we want. It begins with our thoughts. But how do we change thoughts that often feel automatic, shaped by our past?

Many of our thoughts are rooted in early experiences, often unconsciously influencing us. Studies suggest that our core thought patterns solidify before age seven, coloring how we view the present. So, how do we go about releasing these old patterns and start living in the present – especially when it’s not conscious? For me, it started with sessions over Zoom using The Emotion Code, guided by Sarah Cosford, an Emotion Code practitioner and life coach based in Scotland. When I tell people about my work with Sarah, I often preface it with, “I know this sounds crazy, but…”

Here is how a session with Sarah typically goes. We start out discussing any areas I want to address in my life. Then, Sarah asks for permission to connect with me energetically and we “drop in” – or go into a meditative state and connect to Source and therefore each other. This process draws on the idea that everything on Earth is interconnected energetically through a unified field of consciousness- woo-woo, yet factual. We are all part of one Source (God), it doesn’t matter what your skin color is, your sexual orientation, religion, or your social status!! Therefore, after giving her permission each session, Sarah is able to “become” me and muscle test by proxy to find any blocked emotions that might be impeding my health or keeping me from living in the present. This process is based on the idea that the subconscious mind knows where emotions are stored and how to release them. 

How Muscle Testing Works

Our bodies operate on principles of biomagnetic energy. While our conscious minds are often oblivious to these energies, our subconscious minds are deeply connected to and influenced by them. By using muscle testing, we can ask the subconscious “yes/no” questions and interpret the body’s physical responses. For instance, during the Arm Test, a subject’s arm resists pressure for a “yes” answer but gives way for a “no.” This technique helps uncover answers that guide healing.

Any doubt I had about this process was quickly extinguished after my initial session. Even if I didn’t consciously recall the originating event, I’d feel the emotion’s release profoundly. Using a magnet, I released emotions like panic, helplessness, shame, and unworthiness. Sarah could even pinpoint the age when each emotion was trapped—some from early childhood, others from in utero, and even from past lives.

These sessions have taught me to trust my subconscious voice. Messages often come through clearly during meditation or in sessions with Sarah. During my last session, Sarah asked what I truly want/need and the answer that instantly came was “to be free.” I had the overwhelming sense of being held captive and being held down – not physically but emotionally. (Now I realize that does correlate to the loss of control of my body.) Through muscle testing we learned that this stemmed from my religious upbringing. I mentioned in a previous blog (Worthiness) that I grew up attending a Southern Baptist church and often felt a lot of fear/condemnation surrounding God. I’d cuss, had premarital sex, used recreational drugs, and embraced energy work—all things deemed sinful. According to that belief system, I was destined for hell unless I sought forgiveness. But my experiences with Source revealed a different truth. When connected, I felt no judgment—only unconditional love. This didn’t align with the punitive deity I was taught about. Instead, I realized that worthiness isn’t granted by believing in Jesus as the son of God; it’s inherent because we are all children of Source. Jesus’ message wasn’t to believe in him but to recognize the divinity within ourselves.

Here’s the truth I now embrace: I am kind. I love my family and friends deeply. I am worthy of the blessings I receive. I will reunite with my creator when I pass because judgment isn’t part of the equation. None of us are better or worse than anyone else. I’ve rediscovered the power we all share when connected to Source—a power rooted in love, free from judgment.

We create heaven or hell on Earth through our thoughts and perceptions. By focusing on what we want instead of what we fear, we can transform our reality. I want freedom—physical and emotional. I want to love as Source loves—unconditionally. I want to enjoy this life and live unapologetically.

I am deeply grateful for the “woo-woo” experiences I’ve had through meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work, and my sessions with Sarah. These practices have helped me release the heavy religious baggage I once carried and empowered me to walk in Jesus’ footsteps—with love, forgiveness, and joy.


One response to “Rediscovering Power: A Journey into Woo-Woo and Beyond”

  1. Domenic Stanghini Avatar

    Very impressive!!!
    WY to connect the dots and to go deeper and deeper within oneself!

    This is the way to balance and self healing, in other words, self love.

    Keep going as you are on the right road!

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