Tag: healing

  • Choose your own adventure

    Sometimes, when I meditate, I am inspired by random words or phrases. One time, “choose your own adventure” came up. I knew what it meant because Dr. Joe talks about creating the future you want and then letting it go. It sounds so easy and magnificent to be able to write my own future. However,…

  • Control

    Yesterday, when I was meditating, two words kept coming up – trust and control. I have come to the harsh realization that I am, and always have been, a bit of a control freak. According to Wikipedia, “Control freaks are often perfectionists, defending themselves against their own inner vulnerabilities in the belief that if they are not in total…

  • Changing my narrative

    A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing.  Emotions resonate with the vibrational frequency that they generate. In order to heal completely through meditation, I need to “vibrate at a higher frequency.” This means that it’s important for me to stay in a…

  • Rock bottom

    I’ve really been struggling with what to write these last few weeks because honestly, I haven’t been feeling as great physically as I would like and I have not felt the strong connection to my source like I felt the first few months after my epiphany. I thought that I would be up and walking…

  • Letting go

    The phrase “let it go” has come up a lot throughout this crazy journey. That statement can have so many different meanings for different people. Like Elsa from Frozen, I can’t hold it back anymore – I need to let some things go in order to heal. First, my religious upbringing. I was born and…

  • Self, but NOT Selfish

    Self, but NOT Selfish

    I can’t begin the story of my healing without telling you what has led me to this point. I say my “self”-healing journey because I am currently working on healing from the inside out using meditation and mindfulness. However, I did not get to this point solely on my own. There have been many coincidences,…