Tag: MS

  • Letting go

    The phrase “let it go” has come up a lot throughout this crazy journey. That statement can have so many different meanings for different people. Like Elsa from Frozen, I can’t hold it back anymore – I need to let some things go in order to heal. First, my religious upbringing. I was born and…

  • The Best Doctors

    The neurologist who first diagnosed me with MS had a horrible bed side manner and did not fill me with confidence about my ability to fight MS head on. That is one of the many reasons I didn’t see a neurologist for 7 years after my diagnosis. When my symptoms became impossible to ignore and…

  • Denial and Diet

    I went through a year of hard-core denial after my official diagnosis. I didn’t want to talk or hear about Multiple Sclerosis. That was pretty easy to do when nothing was changing physically. The first change I noticed was a slight foot drop in my right foot. It wasn’t noticeable to anyone else and would…