Category: The healing story

  • Changing my narrative

    A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing.  Emotions resonate with the vibrational frequency that they generate. In order to heal completely through meditation, I need to “vibrate at a higher frequency.” This means that it’s important for me to stay in a…

  • Rock bottom

    I’ve really been struggling with what to write these last few weeks because honestly, I haven’t been feeling as great physically as I would like and I have not felt the strong connection to my source like I felt the first few months after my epiphany. I thought that I would be up and walking…

  • Letting go

    The phrase “let it go” has come up a lot throughout this crazy journey. That statement can have so many different meanings for different people. Like Elsa from Frozen, I can’t hold it back anymore – I need to let some things go in order to heal. First, my religious upbringing. I was born and…

  • Meditations

    The one question I have been asked the most since all of this started is, “How do YOU meditate?” There are so many ways to meditate or become connected to one’s source. It’s a very personal path and there is no one size fits all solution. Throughout my life, I have done Tai chi, yoga,…

  • Believing is Seeing

    Sunday, April 26th started out no different than any other Sunday. We did some work around the house and were generally having a lazy Sunday. Later in the day Jeremy decided to take the boys hiking across the street. I chose to stay home and use the quiet time to get in some meditation. After…

  • Synchronicities

    Jeremy and I have always believed that everything in life happens for a reason. According to Google, a synchronicity is “the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Everything that has led to my healing has been synchronous. First, my religious upbringing. I was born and raised a…

  • Unconditional Love & Selflessness

    21 years ago today, I married my best friend and soul mate. So, I thought today would be a good day to talk about unconditional love and the role it has played in my life and illness. I have been blessed beyond measure to be surrounded by unconditional love in my life, both first and…

  • Self, but NOT Selfish

    Self, but NOT Selfish

    I can’t begin the story of my healing without telling you what has led me to this point. I say my “self”-healing journey because I am currently working on healing from the inside out using meditation and mindfulness. However, I did not get to this point solely on my own. There have been many coincidences,…